Crossing Oceans - STI Polska supports Piotr Biankowski

Swimming the English Channel for the Ronald McDonald Foundation to support sick children and their parents

Ronald McDonald Foundation

Piotr Biankowski - Ambassador of the Ronald McDonald Foundation wants to swim from Dover in the UK to the French coast in just several hours to raise funds for the foundation who enables parents to live close to their children who have to stay in hospital long-term due to a severe illness for free. Helping sick children and their parents to be near to each other during these challenging times is therefore the main reason why he is taking up this challenge.  

Piotr is one of the world's best extreme swimmers  and some of his achievement were to complete the Ice Mile (at a temperature of 1.2 ℃), receive a bronze medal at the World Championships and reach third place in the 2019/20 World Cup. He basically is the undisputed champion of ice swimming, breaking the barriers of cold, endurance, speed.

During this channel crossing he will again have to face strong currents, icy water, muscle cramps and immense fatigue! So far, more people have climbed the Mount Everest than swimming the English channel.  The English Channel is the busiest waterway in the world. Over 500 ships pass through it every day. Swimmers have to deal with strong currents, which means that instead of a straight line, they have to navigate a 40-kilometre S-shaped course. At the same time  they are not allowd to touch the safety boat, so their crews throw them food and drinks in bottles. It is very difficult to catch them, especially when you can no longer feel your hands. The water temperature varies between 5 and 15 degrees Celsius. Can you imagine? So far 1,400 people from all over the world have accomplished this challenge, including several Polish residents.

Our subsidiary S.T.I. Polska has a strong connection to the Ronald McDonald foundation for years already and supports them regularly. They of course also are supporting Piotr by donating for this cause. "I encourage everyone to join and make a donation to raise as much money as possible for the foundation", Katarzyna Golebska, Managing Director of STI Polska says. "We are crossing all fingers that he will master this challenge!"   

How can you help? 
You have several options to make a donation and support the Ronald McDonald Foundation in Poland:
Join #EkipaBiankowski  
Donate via Facebook  or
as a business you can use bank transfer:
Ronald McDonald Foundation Account no: 46 1050 0086 1000 0022 7364 4068, ING Bank Śląski Title: La Manche dla Domów Ronalda McDonalda

We hope that Piotr will succeed and that the risk he is prepared to take by swimming the English channel to support the Ronald McDonald Foundation and by that children and their parents will inspire many more donations! Good luck Piotr!



Piotr Biankowski - Ambasador Fundacji Ronalda McDonalda  w kilkanaście godzin chce dopłynąć z brytyjskiego Dover na francuski brzeg. Aby pomóc chorym dzieciom i ich rodzicom.

Pokonanie La Manche w taki sposób wymaga średnio od kilku do kilkunastu godzin. Pływacy spalają wówczas około 1000 kalorii na godzinę. Nie mogą dotykać łodzi asekurującej, więc ich ekipy rzucają im jedzenie i napoje w butelkach. Bardzo trudno je złapać, zwłaszcza kiedy nie czuje się już rąk. Temperatura wody waha się w granicach między 5 a 15 stopni Celsjusza. Aby próba została oficjalnie uznana, pływacy mogą być ubrani jedynie w kąpielówki, okularki i pływacki czepek. Przed zimnem chroni ich lanolina, czyli mieszanka tłuszczu z wełny owczej i wazeliny.

Piotr Biankowski to jeden z najlepszych na świecie pływaków ekstremalnych. Ma na swoim koncie pokonanie Lodowej Mili (w temperaturze 1,2 ℃), brązowy medal mistrzostw świata i trzecie miejsce w pucharze świata w sezonie 2019/20. Jest niewątpliwym mistrzem w lodowym pływaniu, przełamującym bariery zimna, wytrzymałości, szybkości.

Dołącz do #EkipaBiankowskiego, wpłać darowiznę i razem wesprzyjmy Domy Ronalda McDonalda!

Osoby prywatne mogą przyłączyć się do zbiórki na Facebooku 

a firmy do zrobienia darowizny za pośrednictwem przelewu bankowego:
Fundacja Ronalda McDonalda
Nr konta: 46 1050 0086 1000 0022 7364 4068, ING Bank Śląski
Tytułem: La Manche dla Domów Ronalda McDonalda

Ronald McDonald Foundation

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