Team work, physical top performance and refreshing points

Our Hungarian Team again complete the annual Ultrabalaton Race Challenge

On 02 October it was time again! With COVID-measures in place our colleagues of STI Hungary put their fitness and teamwork to the test by participating in the 221 km individual one-lap race around lake Balaton. Guess what? They finished the race one hour faster than last year by completing the lap in 22.5 hrs! Hip hip hurray!
This year our colleagues were joined by members of the HAVI Logistics Hungary team. STI and HAVI work closely together and it therefore was not suprise that both teams beat one challenge sucessfully! Time to celebrate. 

Finishing the race was not the only challenge that the Hungarian team had to manage. Same as in previous years the STI distribution vans delivered indispensable beverages to 50 refreshing points to ensure that all the 17,000 runners were well looked after. The Operations team again mastered the organisation down to the second..

Beating the time of last year gave all team members the reward that they deserve after having trained hard, having lost sleep and having gone to their limits with and for each other! What a boost for the Ultrabalaton race to come! Roll on 2021!


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