Blending Tradition and Innovation in Logistics

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Achieving success in Freight Management is a delicate balance of harmonising the tried-and-true methods of traditional logistics with the transformative capabilities of digital solutions. It's about creating an integrated and seamless experience that caters to the needs of all stakeholders involved. Our video highlights the importance of blending the best of both worlds in Freight Management, benefiting everyone in our network.

Seamless Logistics Quality with a Digital Touch

At STI Freight Management, we've seamlessly merged traditional logistics practices with cutting-edge digital technology, unlocking new possibilities in Freight Management. Our commitment is to deliver exceptional logistics experiences by harnessing the strengths of both traditional and digital approaches, providing tailored services while preserving our core values of trust and respect.

With over 40 years of expertise in temperature-controlled freight forwarding, we're uniquely positioned to leverage digitalisation. We use the latest technology, yet we never compromise on personal interaction. You can reach us 24/7. Our intelligent digital tools enhance our customer-centric service, benefiting both customers and trusted carriers.

In the ever-evolving transport industry, our digital tools make us your reliable partner, guiding you forward. Collaboration with carriers thrives on trust and mutual understanding. At STI Freight Management, we're here to elevate your logistics experience, whether you're a valued customer or a trusted carrier. Join us at the intersection of tradition and innovation.

How We Drive Digitalisation: The STI Freight Management Approach


Simplified Shipment Tracking and Management


Data-Driven Digital Planning for Precision Execution

Data Transfer:

Simplified Order Processing Through Automation

Streamlined Administration

Data-Powered Decision-Making and Automated Invoicing


Seamless Online Communication and Cooperation with Our Team

At STI Freight Management, our goal is to ensure a hassle-free experience with complete transport transparency. Here's how we achieve it:

Streamlining Logistics Across Europe: One System, Endless Efficiency

Our unified transport management system connects all STI Freight Management locations across Europe. This centralisation enables us to handle master data efficiently while employing intelligent planning and management tools to enhance overall efficiency.

With a single, pan-European system catering to all transportation needs, you'll benefit from streamlined processes, seamless communication, and centralised planning.

STIlive Online Platform:
Enabling digital Freight Management

As proactive leaders in the industry, we constantly strive to stay ahead of the curve. We understand the dynamic nature of the market and the evolving needs of our valued customers and trusted carriers, and this understanding fuels our drive for innovation.

Through our STIlive online platform, you can expect enhanced communication, real-time tracking, and robust monitoring capabilities. The result is heightened flexibility and transparency for your logistics operations. Additionally, we've introduced live-chat functionality and cutting-edge interfaces, all designed to make your transportation experience smoother, more efficient, and aligned with the demands of tomorrow.

Simplified Logistics:
Precision, Efficiency, and Real-time Tracking

We harness the power of cutting-edge digital tools to optimize deliveries across roads, rail, sea routes, or their seamless combinations, enabling us to swiftly adapt to changing circumstances. From artificial intelligence and machine learning to real-time GPS, weather, and traffic data, we don't just offer the most efficient routes – we provide precise arrival times, factoring in loading and unloading.

But that's not all. Enjoy continuous updates on vehicle locations, and our extensive data sets simplify your operations planning, helping you allocate space efficiently.

Empowering Decisions with Data:
Your Key to Informed Strategies

In the dynamic world of logistics, knowledge is your greatest asset. The more data we gather, the greater the potential for improved performance, more accurate predictions, and invaluable insights. Your strategic decisions should always be founded on the best available information, and as your trusted logistics partner, that's precisely what we aim to provide.

Our commitment is to empower you with a wealth of data-driven insights, ensuring that your strategies are not only well-informed but also highly adaptable in the ever-changing landscape of logistics. In essence, we believe that information isn't just power; it's the compass that guides you towards success in the world of logistics.

Securing Your Cargo and
Data at Every Turn

In the world of logistics, security is paramount, and we take it seriously. Our trailers feature advanced technology like remote electronic door locking, providing an additional layer of protection for your valuable cargo. Whether you're transporting sensitive, perishable, or fresh goods, the right environment is crucial for their safe arrival. This is where our expertise shines as specialists in temperature-controlled transport.

Moreover, your data is as precious as your goods. We prioritise both with equal dedication, ensuring robust IT security measures and strict GDPR compliance to safeguard your information. With us, you can have peace of mind knowing that your cargo and data are in safe hands throughout the journey.

Elevating Efficiency:
Leveraging Digital Office Solutions for Streamlined Operations

Our digital office solutions bring lots of benefits. They reduce paper use, make work easier, and boost productivity.

Through intelligent management, we provide swift access to essential documents while fortifying security through document repositories. Expedited file uploads facilitate workflows and elevate communication. Moreover, advanced technology, such as optical character recognition, automates invoice processing, converting data into actionable insights.

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