STI Glonet successfully obtained the IFS Logistics 2.3 Certification

WELL DONE! Congratulations to the entire Spanish team!

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Time to celebrate within the STI Freight Management Group as the third STI branch has successfully passed the IFS Logistics 2.3 audit. Our Spanish subsidiary STI Glonet was audited on 14th March 2022 and has passed with excellent results. A special thank you goes to the Spanish QA Manager Angela Dominguez and our European QA head Stefan Hodain, who managed the preparation so well! With this achievement our teams again prove their commitment to strive for excellence in quality and customer satisfaction as well as creating transparency and trust across the entire supply chain.

STI Spain has exceeded expectations after accomplishing the higher level of IFS Logistics 2.3 standard with a score of 96,81%. As Angela Dominguez, head of QA in Spain, says: “The certification demonstrates we work to the highest possible standards at every step of the way. Our quality policy provides a framework for measuring and continuous improving our services and performance. We are all committed to providing our customers with services that meet and even exceed their expectations”.

It is also worth mentioning that it was the first time STI Spain had applied for this audit and passing it with such an excellent scoring is very rewarding for everyone that was involved in the preparation, which started on 17th February 2022. Some of the main relevant areas audited have been hauliers’ control and supervision, any Quality Assurance related documentation, as well as the complete HACCP programme.

When the team was informed about the excellent results of the audit, the entire team felt proud and satisfied with having done such a great job! This score motivates all colleagues to continue to work on optimizing processes and identifying which areas could be further improved within the framework of IFS Logistics to achieve continuous customer satisfaction. Congratulations Team: You are taking quality the extra mile!

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