12 Months, 12 Recaps

As we welcome the opportunities of the year ahead, we reflect on the remarkable journey of 2023. It's been a year of significant events and defining moments. Join us in revisiting these highlights in our video, or read on for headlines that capture these memorable moments.
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2023 in Review: A Year of Impact and Achievement

Our Commitment to Quality
At our core, we're dedicated to quality – it's in our DNA. In 2023, we continued our unwavering commitment to providing the best quality. Some of our entities not only successfully passed IFS Logistics 2.3 audits during the year but also gained certifications like GDP (Good Distribution Practice). These are just a few examples of how we continually strive to enhance the quality of our services for our valued customers and employees. Quality defines our legacy, and our relentless pursuit of improvement is our driving force.

Embracing Technology
In a world that's always moving forward, we took the lead. In 2023, we introduced STIlive, our online platform, bringing a digital revolution to our business. It's not just about using technology; it's about making it a part of everything we do. This combination of logistics and technology has made our services work better and be more transparent, ensuring an unmatched experience for our customers, hauliers, and employees alike.

Caring for the Planet
For us, taking care of the environment isn't just a trend; it's a profound responsibility. In 2023, we took further steps towards a greener future. From adding e-trailers to our fleet to organizing clean-up days with our teams, we continued to actively look for solutions to reduce our carbon footprint and embraced eco-friendly practices throughout our operations. Sustainability isn't an option; it's our duty to our planet.

Advancing Our Transport Law Expertise
In 2023, we upheld our commitment to ongoing learning to stay ahead of the industry, with a particular focus on transport law. This dedication ensures that we remain well-informed and skilled at navigating complex regulations, ensuring the highest levels of safety and compliance

Our Song, a Heartfelt Tribute
2023 was the year when we created something truly special - our company song. This heartfelt melody was our way of saying thank you to our stakeholders, customers, and the amazing people who make up our team. It's a reminder of the bonds that unite us and the shared values that keep us moving forward.

Celebrating 40 Years in business
Last but certainly not least, 2023 marked our 40th anniversary in the logistics world. It's four decades of dedication, innovation, and strong partnerships. It's also the year we proudly introduced our new logo and branding – a clear sign of our commitment to shaping the future of logistics. As we think back on these moments, we want to express our deepest thanks to you - our customers, partners, and team members. Your constant support, trust, and collaboration have been our driving force.

The year ahead holds even more promise and opportunity, and we can't wait to continue this incredible journey with you. Get ready to watch our video recap of our exceptional moments from 2023. We invite you to join us in reliving these highlights because your support is what inspires us the most.

#Recap2023 #Quality #Sustainability #Logistics #Anniversary #Teamwork

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