Help for Children!

STI Polska supports the Ronald McDonald's House Charities Initiative "No cancer to children."

Ambulans-drugiMid of May STI Polska was approached by the Polish Ronald McDonald’s Charities House (RMHC) as they urgently needed help to send a truck-chassi to the USA. This chassi is a very special one as it will be used as the foundation to build a mobile “clinic” for ultrasound examination of children to support the initiative “NO cancer to children”. Such wonderful request was gratefully received by our colleagues in Poland who immediately offered their support for this unique project and transport.  

The challenge of this transport was, that the chassi was too big to be transported by container and the only option was to ship it Ro/Ro. STI Polska started the planning of this special transport by finding the right carrier specialized in sea transport of special vehicles and equipment to ensure a smooth execution of transport. Thanks to our colleague Piotr Nastala, Head of SVC Operations, who also ensured a good communication between the RMHC, chassi producer, customs agency and the carrier, STI Polska was able to offer a solution, which lead to a considerable reduction of the initially calculated costs.
We are pleased to say that the chassi is on his way to the USA now. After being transported to Gdańsk by the producer’s driver, being customs cleared at the Polish port, it is now on its voyage via the big sea to Baltimore, USA. The completed ambulance will return to Poland after seven months to be used as a mobile clinic for USG tests.

After such a great cooperation between all parties involved, we cannot wait to see the completed mobile clinic on the road starting its “job” to fulfil its great purpose in Poland.

PiotrWell done Piotr Nastala and the entire STI Polska team for making this possible for our partner and proving that we move mountains for our clients any time and any day!

If you would like to learn more about this great RMHC initiative, please click here.
The program "NO cancer to children" for 14 years gives a chance for a preventive ultrasound examination of small children from the age of 9 months to 6 years, which in such a comprehensive scope is not on the list of public services. Prevention in the fight against cancer is the only chance for early diagnosis and 100% recovery. The time for children is the most important component of success, which is why the program educates parents not only giving free access to research but also knowledge that the Foundation gathered together with IFMSA Poland in the form of a lecture "NOT cancer to children - Parent, notice symptoms". Thousands of children every year, over 50 cities, villages, thousands of diagnoses and every year several early diagnoses that save the children's future. The mobile clinic is a gift from the American RMHC Global Foundation for Poland.

Only this year the first Polish ambulance performed 2,227 tests of babies and 67,140 since the beginning of the program. After the second completed ambulance will have returned from the USA, the number of children to be able to make use of this health service can be doubled as of next year!

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