Since then the introduction of our MEGATRUCK has proven to be the right decision as it offers win-win solutions for all parties involved. May it be our clients, our hauliers, the transport agency and in particular our environment. By using the MEGATRUCK we achieve reductions of transport costs and CO2 emissions and at the same time form long-term partnerships with our hauliers to offer reliable and best quality services.
What does this mean exactly? The MEGATRUCK with a full length of 25.25 meters can load 51 Euro-pallets in its double deck and multi-temperature trailers. These are 18 more Euro-pallets than a standard frigo trailer can carry. Just the two trailers by itself have a full length of 18.75 meters and offer a total capacity of approximately 40 tons. By being able to transport more pallets we achieve costs saving of approx. 37 % as more pallets lead to a reduction of costs per pallet. Above all, we fulfill our environmental commitment to reduce the number of trucks on the roads which leads to a CO2 reduction of approx. 14 % for the transports organised by STI Spain.
With this service, we demonstrate our commitment to offer “win-win solutions” and “Make Our World A Better Place to Live”.