HAVI Deutschland Apprentice Explores Logistics in Hungary with STI FM

Unlocking New Opportunities and Skills on an International Journey of Discovery

At STI Freight Management, we prioritise not only providing our apprentices with excellent training but also expanding their career prospects and showcasing the diverse career opportunities within the logistics industry. HAVI Deutschland and STI Freight Management are sister companies, and in Germany, they have a longstanding cooperation aimed at supporting apprentices within our businesses. This collaboration enables apprentices to understand the entire scope of logistics, enhancing their practical experience and career development.

One such example is Jamie, an apprentice from our sister company, HAVI Deutschland, who, as part of his training as a forwarding agent, spent six months working at STI (Deutschland) GmbH to gain practical experience and acquaint himself with STI Freight Management.

As part of this assignment, we also offered Jamie the exciting opportunity to travel to Hungary for four weeks to work at our branch, S.T.I. Hungary Kft. This time abroad not only allowed him to experience the operations of our international teams but also provided him with new cultural insights and strengthened his intercultural competencies.

The consistently positive feedback from our colleagues in Hungary speaks volumes about Jamie's outstanding performance, dedication, and ability to successfully adapt to different work environments and collaborate effectively with international teams.
For Jamie, this international experience was not only enriching but also inspiring for his future career in the logistics industry. It opened up new perspectives and opportunities that he might not have discovered otherwise.
We firmly believe that such experiences help our apprentices thrive in an increasingly globalised work environment and expand their career opportunities. It brings us joy to assist them in achieving their professional goals and finding their place in the exciting world of logistics.

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