S.T.I. Hungary Kft. Achieves GDP Certification

After Years of Outstanding Performance, Achieving Official Validation
for Pharmaceutical Transport Excellence

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The Journey to GDP Certification

Throughout our history, our company has upheld an unwavering commitment to delivering top-quality services across various industries. However, when it comes to the pharmaceutical sector, we place a special emphasis on maintaining the highest standards due to the exceptional value of the products involved. Recognizing the critical importance of adhering to strict guidelines known as Good Distribution Practice (GDP) within the pharmaceutical industry, we embarked on a journey to attain GDP certification. The STI Hungary journey began after witnessing Germany's successful GDP certification by the certification body DQS. With our Central Quality Assurance (QA) Team leading the way, they embarked on a journey to bring this certification to our Hungarian organisation. In August 2023, they proudly achieved GDP certification, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to quality.

The STI Hungary journey to its GDP certification was a meticulous and well-structured process that comprised two key stages: process setup and documentation audit, followed by the evaluation of practical application in our operative and QA processes by DQS auditors.

Stage 1: Process Setup and Documentation Audit

To attain GDP certification, we thoroughly examined our processes and associated documentation. DQS auditors assessed our internal protocols, procedures, and record-keeping systems in great detail. This process was instrumental in identifying areas where we could enhance our existing practices and documentation to align with GDP standards. It was a critical step that set the foundation for the subsequent evaluation of our practical application.

Stage 2: Practical Application Assessment

DQS auditors, during this phase, closely observed our operational and QA processes, closely observing the core of our day-to-day activities. Their goal was to ensure that our practices were not only documented but consistently implemented to meet GDP standards. This phase provided us with the opportunity to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest quality standards in the pharmaceutical industry and showcase our dedication to quality in action.

The Significance of GDP Certification

This achievement stands as a powerful testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence. In the words of our Managing Director, Peter Csipes, 'While we have steadfastly adhered to GDP guidelines for many years, obtaining certification is not just a choice; it's a necessity.' This certification holds immense importance for several compelling reasons."

This achievement stands as a powerful testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence. In the words of our Managing Director, Peter Csipes, 'While we have steadfastly adhered to GDP guidelines for many years, obtaining certification is not just a choice; it's a necessity.' This certification holds immense importance for several compelling reasons."

1. Validation of Quality Standards:
The GDP certification serves as an external validation of our commitment to meeting the pharmaceutical industry's most stringent quality standards. As Peter Csipes emphasises, 'Demonstrating that our standards are fully compliant with the highest quality expectation of the Pharmaceutical industry is crucial for both us and our valued customers.'"

2. Streamlining Audits:
For our customers, this certification makes the audit process smoother and more efficient. With our processes certified as GDP-compliant, our customers can have greater confidence in our ability to meet their quality requirements, reducing the need for extensive audits on their part.

3. Continuous Improvement:
Achieving GDP certification is not the end of our quality journey; it's a stepping stone. It reinforces our dedication to maintaining the highest QA standards and encourages us to continually improve our processes to meet evolving industry demands.

4. Competitive Advantage:
In a competitive pharmaceutical landscape, GDP certification sets us apart as a company that prioritizes quality, safety, and compliance. It becomes a valuable selling point and a mark of trust for our partners and customers.

An Exciting Future Awaits

Our path to GDP certification highlights our steadfast commitment to excellence and a dedicated focus on maintaining the highest quality standards. While we have followed GDP guidelines for years, this certification serves as a formal recognition of our efforts to meet the highest industry standards. It is a win not just for our organization but also for our customers who can now trust in our commitment to quality. As we continue to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing pharmaceutical landscape, GDP certification is a significant milestone that reinforces our position as a leader in quality and compliance. We are excited about the future and the opportunities that this achievement will bring as we continue to deliver safe and effective pharmaceutical products worldwide.

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