21 March 2024: UN International Day of Eliminiation of Racial Discrimination

United Against Racism: Embracing Diversity Every Day, Everywhere

Today, as we observe the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, let's take a moment to listen, to really listen, to the voices of those around us.
In our own midst, there are colleagues, friends, and acquaintances who carry the weight of racial discrimination on their shoulders. They've faced challenges and injustices that many of us can't even begin to imagine. Their stories are not just statistics; they're the lived experiences of real people, people we know and care about.
It's easy to think that because it hasn't happened to us, racism isn't a problem. But the truth is, it's still very much alive, lurking in the shadows of our society, casting a dark shadow over the lives of countless individuals.
As we reflect on this day, let's also remember that this isn't just about today; it's about every single day. It's about looking beyond our own experiences and acknowledging that being non-racist isn't enough; we must actively strive to be inclusive and welcoming to everyone, every day, everywhere we go. We have the power to be role models, to set an example for those around us, showing that kindness and acceptance know no boundaries.
Today, let's stand in solidarity with those who have been hurt by racism, with those who continue to face discrimination every single day. Let's lend them our ears, our hearts, and our unwavering support.
Our vision is simple: a world where no one is judged or mistreated because of the colour of their skin, where diversity is celebrated, not feared. Together, let's work towards that future, one where equality is not just a dream, but a reality for all.
#EndRacism #TogetherAgainstDiscrimination #LoveOverHate
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