Time to celebrate - STI Awards 2019

Special recognition and appreciation of the value that our European team brings to the company

During our European Management Meeting in Spain our Leadership team handed out special awards to teams and colleagues who have shown extraordinary motivation and performance over the past year. With this action STI FM recognizes and appreciates the value that each STI employee brings to the company. This years STI Awards have been given to colleagues of STI UK, Hungary and STI Freight Management.

STI Growth Award

The entire team of STI UK received the STI Growth Award 2019 for strong growth over the past few years and again top results in 2018. This is a repeating award, which was given to STI UK team in 2017 for the first time. The company has shown impressive and continuous growth over the past years and to recognize this the Leadership team took the decision to continue the awards. 

STI Leadership Award

The Managing Director of STI Hungary received the STI Leadership Award 2019 for achieving outstanding results in 2018. He was promoted to Managing Director last year and has proven that he is absolutely the right person for this role. Great Motivation and Leadership skills.

STI Innovation Award

anni3Our female colleague of STI Freight Management, Germany, working in the Finance department, received the STI Innovation Award 2019 for being a fast learner and converter as well as an empathetic and resilient leader. She has supported a lot of projects and helped the STI staff during the implementation phases of new tools in an outstanding way.

One`off STI Golden Globe Award

TeamonfireThe European Corporate Communications team received the special one`off “STI Golden Globe award, an Oscar”, to recognize their great achievements in making our STI brand known. In particular by creating the first STI corporate video as well as for their great team work and passion in supporting the entire STI group marketing and communications wise.

Our STI FM Leadership team underlines this activity by summarizing it as follows very well: “We are very proud of all STI employees and the way they contribute pro-actively. These awards are a reflection of the general motivation, involvement and growing spirit that makes our company what it is and move forward. Thank you for making all of this possible!”

STI TEAMS ON FIRE! Great Talents! Great Teams! Congratulations to all of them!

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