First European STI Virtual Management Meeting

Driven by Embracing Improvement

What a wonderful experience! – 58 participants from all European STI entities, comprising our STI FM headquarter, local Managing Directors and leaders of QA, Business Development, Finance and Operations, got together this week for the first big virtual event with the motto “Driven by Embracing Improvement”. For most participants, connecting from their home offices and local offices, it was a new experience to get together in such a big group online.

The two days meeting agenda was filled with topics around the STI groups strategic priorities and in particular were built around the main headlines customers, sustainability, digitalisation, operational excellence and empowering our people. We also had the pleasure to welcome guest speakers from our parent company HAVI who shared interesting insights about their area of responsibility. One of the guest presenters was Chidi Ameke, who held an inspiring presentation about “Purpose-driven Leadership” which contents were based on his new book “Purpose-Driven Transformation”.

It was not only about listening to presentations though. All participants also had the opportunity to actively work together on strategic topics in small groups during virtual break out sessions. Fruitful exchanges took place and many interesting ideas about what each member of the team could do to support the STI group to achieve its targets were collected.

The very positive feedback received from the STI colleagues about this event proves that it was successful and that everyone was able to gain insights in the company’s strategy and was able to actively participate in sharing their thoughts and ideas.
The other reason for its success was based on the fact that everyone was able to connect easily and there were no technical challenges that interrupted the meeting as the online meeting tool worked stable. Welcome to the digital and virtual meeting age!

In summary: Two days of intensive knowledge exchange among our European colleagues have demonstrated that at STI FM we have the digital solutions, the commitment to protecting the planet, the mission to empower our people, the resources and the expertise to not only face and overcome any logistic challenges but are also prepared for the future lying ahead.

A big thank you to all participants for demonstrating that we are driven by embracing improvement!
STI Virtual Management Meeting

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