"We are planting a forest and
thus helping our environment and the climate in the long term."

STI Germany supports Treemer reforestation project "Your tree for our future".

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Securing a future where bees, biodiversity and water will still exist in 200 years is very important to us as a company. For this reason our subsidiary STI (Deutschland) GmbH has started the nature conservation project "We are planting a forest" in cooperation with Treemer® gGmbH at the beginning of 2022. Through our sponsorship at least 3,600 square metres of mixed forest will be planted sustainably between October and March every year to improve the climate and the environment. The special thing about this is that tree species are deliberately chosen that are more robust and thus better able to cope with changing environmental conditions in the long term.
"As a logistics company, it is extremely important for us to take active steps to minimise the impact of climate change. By working together with Treemer® gGmbH, we are helping to ensure that there will still be forests in the future that contribute to keeping our planet in balance. " explains Drazan Malesevic, Managing Director STI (Deutschland) GmbH. "In addition, forests perform pure miracles; clean air, good climate, clean groundwater, flood protection, securing biodiversity and not to forget support for our health."
Since the start of the project at the beginning of this year, 1,000 square metres of the total area of 3,600 square metres have already been planted. The nice side effect since the area has been protected is that five new tree species have settled on our STI area and the ground is now covered with 10 herbs that did not grow there before. So the whole eco-system is already benefiting.
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STI (Deutschland) GmbH at the McDonald's Charity Gala 2022

Last week, Drazan Malesevic had the opportunity to see the development for himself during a visit to the "STI Forest". "It's great to see how everything is blossoming and thriving and to learn more about the positive impacts of our project from Mr Legeler, owner of Treemer® gGmbH, on site," explains Drazan Malesevic. With a smile, he adds "And since I was already there, I didn't miss the opportunity to plant a tree myself, even though those who know me better know that gardening is not usually my hobby. I'm looking forward to seeing it grow and flourish."
The forest itself will only reach its full size in a few decades, as trees grow very slowly. However, it is good to know that with this project we are giving something back to our planet and society in the long term and hopefully enabling future generations to continue to enjoy forests and nature.
We will report regularly about the development of the "STI Forest", which is yet to get its own name. For example, the STI Germany team is planning an on-site staff event. We can't wait to see how everything develops year by year and to share the successes with you.
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