STI Kids Trailer - Thats what we call Road Art

Our employees kids take over

WebWith the support of our STI kids we created something special. The kids, grandchildren as well as nieces and nephews of our European teams were asked to draw pictures about logistics, the four seasons and our claim "Taking Quality the Extra Mile" to create a special desk calender for 2019. The pictures we received from 23 kids were so outstanding little pieces of arts and the feedback received from customers and staff with regards to our desk calendar was so positive, that we wanted to display them via another platform. Our subsidiary STI (Deutschland) GmbH took up this idea further and decided to put a collage of all drawings received on one of their new trailers. In cooperation with our Graphic Designer we created our special piece of Road Art which is more than impressive and really stands our from the crowd. We are very pleased about the support and engagement we received from our STI staff and their kids to create something so outstanding.

Our colourful piece of Road Arts travels throughout Germany and possibly also through other European countries. Look out for it.

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