Always here to help!

Our customer Mondelez and STI Hungary helping people in need after the tornado in the Czech Republic

Ronald McDonald Foundation

When a tornado swept through several villages in the Czech Republic on 25th June it caused considerable damages along 25 km leaving many people injured and homeless as more than 1,000 homes were destroyed. When the news broke our customer Mondelez wanted to do something to help and approached the team of STI Hungary for support as they wanted to donate goods to the effected community in Brno. 

One can imagine that based on the life threatening situation and so many people being desperate for help, there was not the slightest hesitation to say “yes of course” for our colleagues in Hungary. Said and done the planning team of our Hungarian team got started and sent a STI dedicated truck to pick-up the goods in the South of Poland. Thanks to the good cooperation of all parties involved and the spirit to do everything it takes to help the community, "mountains" were moved to make it possible and the goods arrived in Brno on 30th June, 3 days after Mondelez reached out for help! 

“It meant a lot to us to be able to help our customer Mondelez in this critical situation and give something to the community in Brno to help them through this very challenging situation”, Peter Csipes, Managing Director of STI Hungary says. “To see what it meant to the people was very touching. We will never stop going the extra mile with and for our customers and the communities we serve. A big thank you to my team who made this possible that quick and to Mondelez to trusting us as a partner!”

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