STI Freight Management - 40 Years And Counting Thanks To A Strong Team

Together We Take Quality The Extra Mile

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Our European leaders got together for the bi-annual STI FM Management Meeting in Neuss, Germany from 26th June to 28th June 2023. This international gathering brought together parties from all business area. The Board of Directors, the Finance Leaders, Operations Managers, Business Developers, the Quality Managers, the Market Technology team and People Managers as well as the Corporate Communications team participated.

This years' event was very special as it was not only the first time everyone got together face-to-face after four long years, this year STI Freight Management also celebrates its 40th anniversary. With the theme “40 years and counting – Together we take Quality the extra Mile” the entire event was in particular set-up to re-connect and re-energise our teams, foster dialogues to deepen relationships and of course celebrate 40 years STI Freight Management and thank the teams for making this possible. We are proud to say that the event was very fruitful and all participants felt a real sense of unity and belonging.

“Organisational Resilience” was the overarching topic for the entire event and we again had the pleasure to welcome Chidi Ameke as our Keynote Speaker to inspire and share his expertise and prepare the participants with themes and prompts for the group discussions. Chidi is the VP Operations, Risk Management – Global Supply Chain from our sister company TMS and a successful book author. He energised the audience with his stories of success, resilience, and innovation. He highlighted the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, embracing challenges, and constantly striving for excellence. His motivational speech left a lasting impression, giving everyone a renewed sense of purpose and determination. In his own words: “Organisational resilience requires compassionate leadership & culture that cultivates an adaptable and change ready employee mindset. It is enabled through technology and by building networks and relationships.”

During the following interactive group sessions all participants were invited to go into an open dialogue about topics related to Leadership & Culture, Change Ready, Networks and Relationships. By openly sharing best practices and valuable insights as well as challenges that they have faced, the participants were able to exchange ideas and above all find ways support each other to continue to provide our high quality services and grow as a network.
What Makes a Grat Customer Experience in Logistics | STI Freight Management

Another highlight surely was the team building games "Alpen Games" in the evening which gave the opportunity to collaborate and network. Well, it in particular was about teamwork, because the teams had to compete against each other by using their physical strength, throwing accuracy and team leg coordination. Everyone had a real good laugh and it bonded everyone on a different level.

As the event drew to a close, our Freight Management team took the opportunity to recognise the contributions of a number of employees. Special recognition was given to those employees who had gone above and beyond in carrying out their work. Such gestures of appreciation not only boosted morale, but also reinforced the company's commitment to its employees, further fostering a positive and engaging corporate culture.

In the words of Kai Schuettke, STI FM Vice President, "A big thank you to all the participants for their positive attitude, sharing experiences and creating an atmosphere of enthusiasm and dedication amongst us all. It was great to re-connect with everyone. I think all of us are re-energised and look forward to the next chapter of our journey. We do so with a renewed commitment to deliver exceptional Freight Management services and by embracing the challenges and opportunities of the future. Together, we are ready to take quality the extra mile one step further for the next 40 years and beyond.”

Indeed, together we are stronger and can achieve anything!

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