With more than 31,000 participants this 21 km half marathon event took place in the heart of Budapest. This run was the ultimate test for our colleagues in Hungary who are heavily preparing themselves during team trainings to participate in the ultimate relay race in May – the UltraBalaton around the lake of Balaton during which the team of in total 13 STI colleagues will need to run 220 km within 24 hrs. What a race that will be! The successful completion of the Vivicitta Budapest 21 km half marathon proved that the team is ready and that all the preparation and team trainings over the past weeks and months pay off. “We are ready to go to run the extra Mile!”
The team spirit between all team members is stronger than ever after the Budapest marathon! However, this is not the only positive development of it all. Each participant experiences a big change in lifestyle – all of them are much more fit, more healthy and have developed the spirit and motivation to get even better and challenge each other every day for the success of the entire team. We cant wait to hear more about their preparation and final participation in the UltraBalaton in May!
Well done Hungary – Roll on UltraBalaton, roll on!