STI Italy is growing and just moved offices!

New office location: S.T.I. Italia S.r.l., Via Adige 250, 41030 Bomporto, Italy

STI goes electric and implements first fully-electric trailer

The STI Italia team is pleased to announce that they have moved to a new office a stone’s throw away from the Unita d’Italia park in Bomporto. The park means a lot to the team as it was part of their clean-up day last year to give something back to the local community. After several happy, productive years in their old office, the team of STI Italia has been evolving as a company and the time was right to find a new base that suits the level of their work and ambitions. “The new office gives us room to grow and it is nice to have a new, clear space we can all be proud of,” Samuel Pedrielli, the Managing Director says. Despite the fact that is gives every employee a much more modern, spacious and comfortable work environment, the location chosen in particular also accommodates the working parents amongst the team who live locally as it allows them to combine work and family life in a much better way.

One main target was to create an environmental friendly office environment – this means that natural materials such as cork and wood were used and measures are in place to reduce plastic consumption. It does not stop with the sustainable and comfortable furniture though. Adding decorations and in particular plants provide a green atmosphere to improve the employee experience and reduce stress.

All of our Italian colleagues agree that it is encouraging and motivating to see a physical upgrade on your working day and work in a good looking space. “Having more desk space, a “socialising area” with a sofa to relax as well as meeting facilities just makes it a really welcoming space for all employees and visitors. I enjoy it very much coming to the new office every day.” Stefania Allegretti, QA Manager, confirms with a big smile on her face.

The team has done a great job to design such a wonderful office space that improves the working conditions for all don’t you think? It took time to get it all ready and obstacles had to be overcome, but it was worth all the efforts and wait. Well done STI Italia, what a big and wonderful positive change for everyone! Enjoy your new office and we hope that we will have to opportunity to visit you soon to experience it ourselves.

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