There was a little nervousness when the team found out that there was a Spanish family among the guests however, no need to worry as the family confirmed that the food was excellent.
All STI participants agreed that this was an awesome event and team experience. Giving something to families with sick children and distracting them a little from their challenging times is priceless. The nicest response the team got was from a Moroccan family: "Your team enabled us to forget the reason why we are here for a couple of hours and just enjoy the time with nice people and food. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT." Is there anything better one can hear than that?
In Germany we will continue to organise Cooking Events for the McDonald's Kinderhilfe Stiftung in Essen. The next one is already planned and the STI team members can't wait to create something special for the families to brighten up their day for a short while. All colleagues who have participated so far say that this is something each one of us should experience as we receive so much in return.
The German McDonald's Kinderhilfe Stiftung/Ronald McDonald's House Charities (RMHC) are doing a fantastic job to help families with sick children. Their statement on their homepage says it all: "Keeping families with sick children together and near the care and resources they need."
If you would like to find out more about their activities and how you could get involved please feel free to visit their website: https://www.rmhc.org/get-involved .