STI Italia S.r.l.'s Strategic Leap Towards GDP Certification

A Visit That Ignites Progress and Strengthens Bonds

S.T.I. Italia S.r.l.’s Managing Director took a proactive approach by inviting our Senior Manager QA & Environment for a visit. This visit served a dual purpose and paved the way for significant progress at STI Italia.

One primary objective was to provide support to STI Italia in their preparations for GDP (Good Distribution Practice) certification – a crucial milestone. GDP certification places a strong emphasis on maintaining rigorous standards in temperature control, tracking, risk assessment, and cleanliness in pharmaceutical logistics.

While STI Italia already had a solid foundation with certifications like IFS Logistics 2.3 and ISO 9001:2015, aligning our practices with GDP requirements was essential. Our Senior Manager worked closely with STI Italia's team to identify necessary steps and assess the company's readiness for the audit ahead.

Additionally, the visit presented an opportunity to conduct the annual mandatory internal ISO audit. This audit, conducted by the STI FM Headquarter in accordance with ISO regulations, ensures that our quality standards remain at the highest level. It was also a great opportunity to share best practices.

Despite potential challenges, STI Italia is well-prepared. The Italian team has already made excellent progress and is on track making GDP certification an attainable goal.

Beyond business matters, everyone enjoyed a delightful Christmas dinner together. It was a fun way to strengthen connections and get to know each other better.

As we continue on this journey, stay tuned for more updates on STI Italia's progress towards GDP certification and our steadfast commitment to delivering top-quality logistics.

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