S.T.I. (U.K.) Ltd. Charity Event: Making a Difference at Ronald McDonald House Charities in London

Our Volunteers share Joy and Warmth by going the extra mile

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In our longstanding partnership with the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC), where annual donations have been a tradition, we are delighted to share a heartfelt initiative led by our subsidiary, STI UK. This recent chapter goes beyond traditional contributions, as the UK team organized a warm charity cooking event at the RMHC Evelina House in London, embodying the true spirit of volunteering. The aim was simple - to offer comfort and warmth to families going through tough times. With a history of supporting RMHC through donations, this event signifies STI UK's deepened commitment to community engagement.

The RMHC is a charity fully funded by donations, providing a welcoming home-like place for families navigating tough times with children in the hospital. By offering them a comforting space close to their children after a long day in the hospital, RMHC makes a genuine difference for these families. If you wish to learn more about what they do and how you could support them, please click this link: Ronald McDonald House Charities | RMHC

Our colleagues from STI UK, led by two amazing women, created a delicious "Oriental" menu with vegan and halal options, so everyone could enjoy a fantastic meal. Their passion for cooking made the evening extra special for all the families involved.

A big shout-out to every STI UK team member who supported. Whether it was cutting vegetables in the office, preparing everything for cooking, getting hands-on with the cooking itself, decorating the dining room, or even cleaning the dishes to keep everything running smoothly, your efforts not only made the night special but also turned it into a warm and caring celebration.

The most significant reward for everyone involved, was seeing the smiles on the families' faces and the genuine thank-yous that the entire team received. The feedback from the parents was kindly shared with us via the RMHC. 

This experience has ignited a deep sense of purpose within the STI UK team. It's not just about supporting RMHC through traditional means; it's about making volunteering a regular part of their journey. The impact of their efforts, coupled with the gratitude from the families, has inspired everyone to continue giving back in the future. It's about making a real difference in the lives of those who could use a bit of support.

A sincere thank you to the RMHC Team at the Evelina House for having us and taking the time to show the team around and share their story. Everyone was very welcoming. The STI UK team can't wait for the next event!

This story reflects our shared commitment to going the extra mile, not just in business but in creating genuine connections in the communities we touch.

At STI Freight Management, we're proud of STI UK's dedication to spreading joy and support. Together, we're building a kinder and more connected community.

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