International Pride Month 2023 and how STI Italia inspires us

Sponsoring the Rainbow Ride to support the LGBTQIA+ community and people in need

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For our Italian colleagues it is important to show that they welcome and accept everyone just the way they are and one way they have done it so far is by displaying the rainbow flag in their office. However, they do not only want to have an inclusive and diverse and equitable work place, they also want to take a stand externally to raise awareness. For this reason STI Italia has sponsored this years’ Rainbow Ride, which was organised by Arcigay Modena e Agedo Bologna, to support the LGBTQIA+ community and people in need. “We decided to sponsor this event as we want the discrimination that people have to face because of they gender identity or sexual orientation to stop”, Domenico Carafoli / DE&I Champion STI Italia says. “Raising awareness about the situation and by that creating more understanding is vital to help things to get better”.

And what can we say, the event was a full success. They had the best weather, full sunshine and right temperatures to jump on their bicycles to ride the 40 km from Bastiglia to San Cesario Sul Panaro.

“We were proud to be part of this event and seeing our logo with all the other sponsors really gave me a good feeling”, Samuel Predrielli Managing Director comments “It is so important to help our society to become more open and give any individual the same rights and equal opportunities. We will continue to sponsor events and I am looking forward to see the changes we will help to make”.

We give kudos to the STI Italia team for how they take action and walk the talk. Maybe their activities inspire you as well to look into what you can do to help make this world a welcoming and equitable place to live for everyone.

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